// About

This blog
I'm a twenty-something Vancouverite who believes life is as grand as you make it.  I like documenting the happenings of the everyday because sometimes the simplest things in life are the most important.

Initially started as a place to share my 6 month stint in Europe, now I blog about anything that interests me like music, design, photography, and nature. 

This girl
I fancy oxford flats, and oxford commas. I love to dance. I am attracted to obnoxiously bright colours but dislike obnoxious people. I like music, and will get irrationally angry if you change my radio presets. I believe tights are never pants. I have faith and hope and love. I admire graphic design and minimalist architecture. I have a serious case of wanderlust. I hate being bored. I'm sarcastic. I just got my fancy pants degree, and I'm ready to join the big, bad world.