There have been many things I've loved since I've gotten here. There have also been many things that have worried me, or saddened me, or angered me. But, I knew that this little adventure would be what I'm calling an
exercise in gratefulness. In fact, I feel guilty when I want to complain, because however many frustrating circumstances pop up, or negative feelings arise, I remember that I am extremely
blessed to be here: to have the chance to do what I've always wanted, to explore the world, and to learn new things. It seems senseless to worry about things I can't control. Thus, when things don't go my way, I will brush them off, shrug, and say, "NBD, I'm in Europe."
I am choosing to focus on the (many) positives and will try to put them on the blog.
Things I love: {one}
- Easily accessible drinking water
- Large windows that allow the sun to illuminate my entire room
- Light switch beside my bed
- General ease of navigating their excellent medical system
- Helpful and hospitable waiters
- Fresh, local food (read: Cheese)
- Perfect weather
- Supportive parents and lovely friends